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The primary focus of the San Clemente Island Goat Breeder community has been conservation breeding and increasing numbers. While this focus is still important to ensure SCI Goats reach and maintain a sustainable population, they must be a viable livestock option for homesteaders and farmers. The only way to increase the market value of the breed is to have the data needed to back our claims.
One potential market for SCI Goat bucks may be in the production of commercial crosses. We believe this will provide not only hybrid vigor, but a better dress percentages in meat production. Thus, if you do produce crosses, please enter any data you may have. Please note the SCIGBA encourages the purebred breeding of SCI Goat does while working to continue build a sustainable population level.
Please use the forms below to enter data about your goats so the information can be pooled to use in marketing. We are asking for growth rates, dress percentages and milk stats. You can enter individuals or herd averages.
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