Gene Banks
As our number of breeders increases, there is more interest in preserving specific goat genetics. The way to do this is mainly through collecting buck semen. It is also possible to collect eggs (or preferably embryos) from does, but that is much more costly. Buck semen collection requires collaborating with a veterinarian or a collection service and getting all the logistics in place. Some areas of the country have more access to this than others. There are a number of places that store semen straws for individuals.
The SCIGBA is making plans to have our own Gene Bank, where breeders can donate semen straws. One benefit of this is it will release the breeder from annual storage fees.
Another way to preserve genetic material is to collect tissue samples from goats who have just died. This presents a way to possibly clone that goat in the future, whether it is a doe or a buck. Through The Livestock Conservancy, with TransOva Genetics,, because of the rare status of our breed, there is the opportunity of reduced rate of storing the tissue with no annual storage fees. With this, it is extremely time sensitive. The tissue must be obtained, stored in a refrigerator and arrive at TransOva in just 5 days post mortem.
Contact your Genetics Chair at for more help or information.