USDA Approved Tattoos
As of May 1, 2023, the SCIGBA Registry has obtained USDA recognition meaning SCIGBA registered goats can use tattoos as an official form of identification.
To be used as a form of official ID when transporting a goat, please adhere to the following guidelines (quoted directly from the USDA):
A copy of the registration certificate or temporary registration certificate before its expiration date, and, if not in the name of the current owner, a copy of the completed application for transfer of ownership in the name of the current owner where the sale occurred within 60 days (or an extension thereof approved by the registry) where each document lists the tattoo number on the goat, or
For animals under 60 days of age, a copy of a completed application for registration listing the tattoo number on the goat, or
An interstate certificate of veterinary inspection that lists the flocks of origin and birth, the registry, and the registry tattoo.
If you have questions, please contact the SCIGBA Registry Committee at
The primary purpose of registration is to be able to identify individual goats whether that is through an ear tag, microchip, or ear tattoos. Thus it is essential each goat presented for registration is properly identified with one of the approved USDA methods.
For goats acquired from another breeder: The goat should already have a form of identification. If not evident, please contact the breeder to inquire.
For goats born on your farm: It is your responsibility to assign proper identification. It is your choice as to the form used.
Please refer to the USDA website for information on approved identification methods. Additional information can be found in on our Rules of Registration page
Tattoos: RE: Means Right Ear (herd Prefix abbreviation). LE: Means Left Ear (individual animal’s letter for year of birth & number). See Rules of Registration to see list of what letter = what year.
Please Note: As of May 1, 2023, the SCIGBA Registry has obtained USDA recognition meaning SCIGBA registered goats can use tattoos as an official form of identification.
To be used as a form of official ID when transporting a goat, please adhere to the following guidelines (quoted directly from the USDA):
A copy of the registration certificate or temporary registration certificate before its expiration date, and, if not in the name of the current owner, a copy of the completed application for transfer of ownership in the name of the current owner where the sale occurred within 60 days (or an extension thereof approved by the registry) where each document lists the tattoo number on the goat, or
For animals under 60 days of age, a copy of a completed application for registration listing the tattoo number on the goat, or
An interstate certificate of veterinary inspection that lists the flocks of origin and birth, the registry, and the registry tattoo.
If you have questions, please contact the SCIGBA Registry Coordinator at