DNA Testing
DNA testing of San Clemente Island Goats can be an integral aspect of creating a sustainable population in perpetuity. Within the goat world, SCIGs have a unique DNA profile which is used widely in genome studies. Continued documentation of the population’s genetics can be important for future research.
DNA analysis can currently be utilized by the breeders and/or the SCIGBA for:
Parentage Determination
Genetic Marker Documentation
Scrapies Susceptibility
The SCIGBA Registry will phase in DNA analysis requirements gradually. Stage One will be implemented July 1, 2024 when DNA analysis will be required to be on file for a buck to have his offspring registered, either through natural cover or Artificial Insemination.
(However, DNA analysis must be on file for a buck to have registered offspring conceived through Artificial Insemination. DNA parentage analysis to identify the sire is required for any goats conceived through Artificial Insemination.)
Meanwhile, breeders are strongly encouraged to collect hair samples for DNA testing on all their goats and properly store them to safeguard for the future. When stored properly the samples last many years. (Please see below for directions on collection and storage of samples.)
Previously Submitted DNA through the SCIGBA Affiliation Account?
If you are already familiar with the process of submitting a sample to UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Lab (VGL), you may wish to skip the information below and proceed directly the submission site.
GOAT DNA TESTING EXPLAINED (Frequently Asked Questions)
What does DNA testing do for me?
Identifies the specific genetic markers of the goat you test.
Allows for parent verification and future identification of that goat as the parent of any kids.
How to get hair samples?
Put hair directly into a PAPER envelope. You need 20-30 hairs with root follicles per goat. Seal the paper envelope. Write on it the full name of the goat, ID#, registration number. For parentage testing, note suspected parents on the envelope with their full ID and VGL Case #.
NOTE: For fully accurate parentage verification, submit samples of the kid, the dam and the sire. It may seem redundant to submit the dam’s sample, but if the dam and possible sire are related, it can make a big difference in accuracy.
How to submit the hair samples?
SCIGBA is an “Affiliate Registry/Association” account. You have two choices:
Submit through your own account and name SCIGBA as the Affiliate. Both you and SCIGBA get the test results directly from UC Davis. SCIGBA will have your goat’s DNA results on file, available for any needed parentage testing in the future and possible research and will securely store the results. SCIGBA will not share your specific results with anyone else, however. This is yours alone to share or not.
Open your own account with UC Davis here: https://my.vgl.ucdavis.edu/myvgl/newacct.htm. Please mark SCIGBA as Affiliate. Tests are $38 each and currently (February 2024) take at least 24 business days. This is a 13.5% discounted rate for using the SCIGBA Affiliate: regular rate is $44.
Submitting through SCIGBA account. SCIGBA promises to send you the full results report as given by UC Davis. Nothing changed, nothing omitted, and your goat’s DNA results will be available for any needed parentage testing in the future.
You may send your sample and information and payment through SCIGBA. Contact us scigbassoc@gmail.com.
Who receives the DNA test results?
DNA test results are sent by email or fax to the account that ordered the tests.
If SCIGBA orders the tests the results go to them, and they promise to share full results on your goats with you.
If you order tests and select SCIGBA as Affiliate Registry/Association, results are sent to you and to SCIGBA. This is SCIGBA’s preferred method, so that results are available directly to you and to the Association for the future.
What does the test do for SCIGBA?
Affiliating SCIGBA helps us to build a database of information on the SCIG population. This is a resource for testing parentage, future DNA markers and/or research that may help the breed.
Who owns the DNA sample?
All DNA samples become the property of VGL for the purposes of storage and disposal. VGL will endeavor to store samples such that DNA is available for additional tests for a period of at least 5 years, but the VGL cannot guarantee the suitability of a sample for any purpose. As such, requests for additional tests may result in a request for a new or replenishment sample. Samples cannot be returned.
Does SCIGBA make the DNA Report on my goat available to anyone else?
No, absolutely not. If you want someone to have that information, you must provide it to them yourself.
Can I get other animals’ DNA results?
No. Only the owner of the DNA sample can get that information. You need to contact the owner of the animal who is the owner of the DNA to get those results.
Can the test tell me if my goat is a purebred SCIG?
No. The DNA Markers do not reveal this.
Is there an extra fee for parent verification?
No. This is included in the price of doing the DNA tests.
Can I request parent verification of my goats if I don’t own one of the parents?
Yes. You can either:
Request it through SCIGBA, if SCIGBA already has the DNA results on the parent,
OR, if the owner of the parent in question submits the DNA of the parent goat for markers and then gives you the Case# and Report ID# for that goat’s results, then you can request parentage.
If the goat’s parents have not been DNA tested, you would need to obtain hair samples and submit them or have the current owner do this through their own account.
Do I need to keep a sample of the hair?
Both UC Davis and SCIGBA suggest that when you pull a sample to send in for testing, you pull a second sample. Place it in an envelope the same way you do the sample you’re sending in and write the identifying information on the envelope. Store it in a DRY, safe place.
Will DNA be used for research?
Yes. UC Davis retains research rights on all samples stored at the VGL (Veterinary Genetics Laboratory) for research, whether the tests are performed for individuals, or for individuals through associations.
Research and the benefits that it can provide to breeders is the main focus of the program for the SCIGBA. As more members participate in the DNA testing program this will make meaningful research a reality for our animals.
For Breeders/Owners who obtained DNA tests through their own accounts before SCIGBA was an Affiliate (prior to April 2022):
Please help SCIGBA expand its DNA database for the benefit of the breed. Here’s how to add an affiliation to your existing samples:
• Log into your account at https://my.vgl.ucdavis.edu/myvgl/login.htm
• Select “Add Test to Existing Sample”
• Select the animal’s name
• You should see an option to add an Affiliation
For any assistance or other questions regarding DNA testing, please contact the Genetics Committee:
Liz Shire, ironstonemarket@gmail.com
Laurel Sherrie, laurelsherrie@gmail.com
Chad Wegener, chad@willowvalleyfarms.org
Also feel free to search the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory for more information: