Register OR TRANSFER Your Goats
Currently, all forms need to be filled out, printed, and mailed along with the fees per the instructions. The forms here are “fillable pdf”. Just click to download the form. Once you fill out your Member or Non-Member enrollment and applicable registration forms, complete a Work Order (1). Remember, Membership Renewals are due every January (except for Lifetime). Please keep your own record of forms you have sent in. It’s also recommended to send Priority Mail so you have tracking numbers.
Notes: If this is your first time registering with the SCIGBA, we recommend reading the Rules of Registration and using our Registration Guide to help you navigate the process.
A quick color reference guide can be found on our coloring page.
The primary purpose of registration is to be able to identify individual goats whether that is through an ear tag, microchip, or ear tattoos. Thus it is essential each goat presented for registration is properly identified with one of the approved USDA methods.
For goats acquired from another breeder: The goat should already have a form of identification. If not evident, please contact the breeder to inquire.
For goats born on your farm: It is your responsibility to assign proper identification. It is your choice as to the type of identification to use.
Please refer to the USDA website for information on approved identification methods. Additional information can be found in on our Rules of Registration page.
Tattoos: RE: Means Right Ear (herd Prefix abbreviation). LE: Means Left Ear (individual animal’s letter for year of birth & number). See Rules of Registration to see list of what letter = what year.
The SCIGBA Registry has USDA recognition, meaning SCIGBA registered goats can use tattoos as an official form of identification.
To use tattoos as official ID when transporting a goat, please adhere to the following guidelines (quoted directly from the USDA):
A copy of the registration certificate or temporary registration certificate before its expiration date, and, if not in the name of the current owner, a copy of the completed application for transfer of ownership in the name of the current owner where the sale occurred within 60 days (or an extension thereof approved by the registry) where each document lists the tattoo number on the goat, or
For animals under 60 days of age, a copy of a completed application for registration listing the tattoo number on the goat, or
An interstate certificate of veterinary inspection that lists the flocks of origin and birth, the registry, and the registry tattoo.
If you have questions, please contact the SCIGBA Registry Coordinator at
In order to register goats, all owners / breeders must be either SCIGBA members or enrolled in the registry.
Note: This is a one-time Registry Enrollment for breeders not ready to join SCIGBA.
Request Duplicate Registration Certificate
If you need a duplicate registration certificate or a duplicate certificate and transfer, please use the Request Duplicate Certificate & Transfer (4) form.
NOTE: Many SCIGs registrations were automatically transferred to the new SCIGBA Registry. Your goat may already be registered, and you may only need to request a duplicate Registration Certificate. To find out if your goats are already registered and their registration #, please contact Attention: Registration. Please give the full name of your goat(s), including the herd name.
Registration Forms
This form should be used from goats whose parents are registered with either the SCIGBA or an Approved Source Registry ASR.
Approved Source Registry ASR (6)
This form should be used for goats already registered with an Approved Source Registry. An ASR is a registry recognized by SCIGBA as having the distinctions and processes in place to properly identify and register purebred San Clemente Island Goats. Currently, IDGR is the only Approved Source Registry.
Approved Purebred Herd APH (7)
This form should be used for goats from an SCIGBA confirmed Approved Purebred Herd (APH) with current APH status. These are herds recognized by the broad SCIG breeder community as having consistently maintained a herd of purebred goats for a long time but full pedigrees may not be available. APH status is a formal designation requiring application and approval.
Please refer to the Rules of Registration for basic criteria to qualify for APH status. If you would like to apply, please contact Registry Coordinator at Attn: APH Application.
This form is for suspected Purebred SCIs that don’t meet Main Herdbook requirements. Please refer to the Rules of Registration, fill out the Recovered Herdbook Application and contact the SCIGBA Registry Coordinator at, Attn: Recovered Herdbook.
Your application will go through the Recovered Herdbook Inspection process to determine your goat’s eligibility for the SCIGBA Recovered Herdbook.
This form is for known Crossbreeds of SCIs with other breeds of goats.
To transfer a goat for whom you already have the SCIGBA Registration Certificate: Please fill out the form on the back of the original Registration Certificate with the new owner’s information, and MAIL this original Registration Certificate to the Registry along with a Work Order and fee for transferring. Work Order (1).
To transfer a goat who is NOT registered: Register the animal according to the instructions above and fill out the Transfer section of that form, or use the Transfer Form (10) along with the Registration application.
To transfer a goat who is registered with SCIGBA, but for whom you do not have a SCIGBA Registration Certificate: Please use the Request Duplicate Certificate & Transfer (4) form.
Breeding Service Certificates
This form needs to be included in any registrations for kids which were conceived by bucks not belonging to the breeder.
Lease Agreements
The owner of an SCIGBA registered animal may lease that animal to another breeder by completing a lease agreement. Lessees have the option of being recorded as the breeder of any offspring conceived during the lease period. When leases of bucks are in effect, the lessee is authorized to sign service memos for offspring conceived during the lease period.
A. An SCIGBA lease form or acceptable lease document must be submitted to the SCIGB registry in order for the lessee to register goats or sign for buck services. A copy of the lease agreement needs to be included with all registrations submitted for the offspring of animals bred during the term of the lease.
B. Registration and transfers of offspring from leased parent(s) are subjected to current registration and transfer requirements and fees.
Authorized Agent
An Authorized Agent form is needed when the herd owner of record wishes to empower a person to act on their behalf to make decisions regarding their herd and account with the SCIGBA registry. Authorized agents are most commonly needed for Nonprofits, Zoos, or Corporations. A copy of the completed form should be on file with the SCIGBA registry chair.
For additional questions or assistance, please contact the SCIGBA Registry Committee Chair at