Registry Introduction

Member owned. Member Run. Member Perfected.

The San Clemente Island Goat Breeders Association (SCIGBA) Registry is the only comprehensive, accessible herdbook owned and managed by the San Clemente Island Goat Breeders Community. Our herdbook has its origins with the first San Clemente Island Goat Club of the 1980’s and the San Clemente Island Goat Association from 2007-2017.  Registration and record keeping is essential in not only breed conservation, but growth into a sustainable population in perpetuity. This work may have begun with a few, but we now need you to do your part to help.


Why register my herd?

Research by the SCIGBA shows a rapid decrease in the population’s overall genetic diversity. The halt of this erosion within San Clemente Island Goats is an integral part in ensuring a sustainable population able to overcome potential future issues.

Entering goats and their pedigrees into the herdbook is the first step towards the SCIGBA being able to evaluate, make recommendations, and develop programs in an effort to better manage our genetic diversity for long-term survival of the breed.

For additional insight into the importance of saving maximum genetic diversity, please read our blog post “Why Lines?

What benefits are there to registration?

  • Non-copyrighted pedigrees that breeders can share & utilize

  • Access to the herdbook in order to source breed stock

  • Running of Trial Matings

  • Assistance in the development of breeding programs

  • Knowledge you are helping to preserve the San Clemente Island Goat breed in perpetuity

  • Ability to use USDA approved tattoos as an official form of identification

How is the SCIGBA Registry Different?

  • Owned by the non-profit breeders association and ultimately the breeding community

  • Run by a professional registry service with dedicated, full time office staff

  • 10 day turn around time

  • Rules of Registration & policy are voted on and approved by the membership


For additional questions or assistance, please contact the SCIGBA Registry Coordinator at