
The San Clemente Island Goat Association Inc (SCIGBA) is a 501(c)3 whose mission is to promote the San Clemente Island Goat as a viable multipurpose goat while preserving the historical traits of the island goat and the unique genetic diversity.  Every contribution to the SCIGBA is an investment in creating a genetically diverse, sustainable population of San Clemente Island Goats in perpetuity. 

All donors will receive recognition on the SCIGBA website, in “The Island Goat” newsletter, and on the SCIGBA’s social media feeds. Donation tiers and our our gifts of appreciation are listed below.

Current Fundraising: SCIGBA Genetic Strategic Plan

Phase 1: The Felicity Miracles Project

Gifts of Appreciation

  • Honors donors with gifts between $10 and $24

  • Friends of Felicity - This round 2”x2” white vinyl sticker displays “The Felicity Miracles” logo.

  • Honors donors with gifts between $25 and $49

  • Chance to name a miracle kid. Send in your favorite name choice. All suggestions will be posted for the community to vote once the kids are here!

  • Honors donors with gifts between $50 and $99

  • Felicity Miracles Logo Tote Bag Features the color logo of Felicity and her adorable Miracles. 100% cotton canvas bag, 15" x 16". Perfect for the grocery store, farmer’s market, gym, etc.

  • Honors donors with gifts between $100 and $149

  • Special Edition Felicity Miracles Body Products Bundle by EB Ranch! All SCI Goat Milk products!

    • 5 oz Goat Milk Soap

    • 3 oz Goat Milk Shave/Shampoo Bar

    • Kiss the Goat Lip Balm

  • Or Stuffed Goat Toy of Felicity. About 7” tall and cute as a button! Keep it for yourself (you know you NEED one) or give it as a holiday present to your family.  There are only 25 of these, so hurry and get yours!

  • Honors donors with gifts between $150 and $249

  • Felicity Miracles Logo Tumbler 20oz. This stainless travel-size tumbler features the Felicity Miracles logo and is vacuum-insulated and built to last. It's perfect for showing off your style on the road, at the office, or in the countryside.

  • Honors donors with gifts between $250 and $499

  • Felicity Miracles Body Products Gift Box by EB Ranch! All SCI Goat Milk products! 

    • 5 oz Goat Milk Soap

    • Wooden Soap Dish

    • 3 oz Goat Milk Soap

    • Kiss The Goat Lip Balm

    • Bath Bomb

    • Felicity Logo Note Card

    • Rustic Closeable Gift Box

  • Honors donors with gifts between $500 and $999

  • Genetic Guardian

    • Two Chances to Name a Miracle Kid

    • A Felicity Stuffed Toy

    • Felicity Miracles Gift Box of Goat Milk Body Products (as above)

    • Felicity Miracles Logo Tote Bag

    • A 5-pack of Felicity Miracles Logo Note Cards

    • Recognition as a “Genetic Guardian, Friend of the Herd” on our website and social media, and with a Certificate.

  • Honors donors with gifts in one fiscal year totaling between $1,000 and more.

  • Genetic Diversity Warrior

    • Name a Kid! Your choice gets used First, by order of when you become a Genetic Diversity Warrior.

    • Recognition as a “Genetic Diversity Warrior, Friend of the Herd” on our website, and social media, and with a certificate.

    • A 9” x 12” Fine Art Print of the Felicity Miracles artwork by Laurel Sherrie.   

Note: Gifts of appreciation may be substituted at the discresion of the SCIGBA.