
Pardon the Dust!


Website Renovation in the Works!

〰️ Pardon the Dust! 〰️ Website Renovation in the Works!


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Sustain.  Conserve.  Inspire.

The San Clemente Island Goat Breeders Association (SCIGBA) is a member-driven 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to creating a genetically diverse, sustainable population of San Clemente Island Goats.  The SCIGBA provides breeders a stake in the future of the breed.  By the Breeders.  For the Breeders.  For our Goats.

Our hope is to preserve this breed for future generations.

Over one third of North America’s livestock and poultry breeds are rare or in decline. These breeds represent genetic diversity which may one day be needed to overcome future problems and ensure food security. Once numbering at approximately 20,000, our goal is to protect these now critically endangered goats.

There are approximately 1,700 San Clemente Island Goats in 27 states and 3 provinces.

They are listed as critical on The Livestock Conservatory’s Conservation Priority List.

About the goats

San Clemente Island Goats are a multi-purpose small to medium breed: however, their size can vary. The perfect addition to a homestead or small farm.


Looking for SCIs

Ready to take the next step? Looking to add San Clementes to your herd?


About the association

Find out about our organization
mission, our methods, and goals.